Name of Department: Pharmacology
Name of HOD: Dr. R C Sutar, Asso. Prof., M.Pharm, PGPRDU, Ph.D., MBA

HOD Desk:

The Pharma Industry today, is expanding in knowledge, undergoing rapid advancements and is key outsourcing hub in Globalization. The Department of Pharmacology, since its inception in 2004, is committed to excellence in Pharmacy education and research and is proud of the contribution of its faculty members and students to Basic Science and Clinical Research. The key task of the department is to provide knowledge in Human anatomy and Physiology, Pathophysiology and Pharmacology of drugs/medicines which is constantly offering knowledge based learning to students. Department has experienced and committed faculty members with vast research experience. Use of ICT tools, skill development programs like animal handling and Pharmacovigilance for the students actually improve confidence of the students. The department has received research grants of more than Rs. 13 Lakhs from various funding agencies. I extend my best wishes for their bright future. SCPER is committed to uphold high standards of Technical Education. Dr. Ravindra C. Sutar Professor, Sanjivani College of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Kopargaon

List of Equipments Laboratories in the department are equipped with following instruments Name Of Instruments Make & Model UGO-BASIL PLETHYSMOMETER UGO-BASIL Stereotaxic Equipment KOPF Micrroscope Olympus Trinocular Model-CX41TR Olympus CX41TR Biochemistry Analyser RFCL Activity cage Digital Dolphine Analgesiometer Eddy’s Hot plate Spacelab Analgesiometer Tail flick type Spacelab Centrifuge machine REMI ECG Machine Medicolab Electro Convulsometer Dolphine Elevated plus maze Dolphine Pole climbing App Cooks Dolphine Rota rod 5 compartment Digital Spacelab Telethermommeter Digital Dolphine 2. Research Grant Received Year of Sanction Name of Principal Investigator and Co-investigator Title of Research Project Name of Funding Agency Grant Received 2019-20 Dr. R C Sutar Development and Evaluation of Herbal formulation for Central Nervous System Disorders AICTE Under the scheme Modernization and Removal of Obsolescence Rural (MODROB-Rural) Rs. 1255541/

Future Plan of department

Expand experiential and innovative teaching and learning process Research funding from different sources Addition of sophisticated newer instruments and extend the facility for commercial and research use of the students Actively participate in skill development program in the field of Pharmacovigilance Collaboration with industries for preclinical evaluation Enhance the research activity in the department Organize more National/International Seminars/Conferences Publication of research papers in high impact factor journals To initiate the collaborative activities with other colleges and industries


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